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Information on C C Wright
C C Wright Elementary School is located in Wilkes County in North Wilkesboro Elementary School. At this school, I taught first grade! At C C Wright, there is something called PBIS which stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. This is a system that all of Wilkes County schools have adopted to help improve behavior among the students. This system is used school wide (in classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms, bathrooms) and helps the schools to create an effective learning environment. At C C Wright, they have a school model called R.O.A.R that stands for Responsibility, Ownership, Attitude, and Respect! At CC Wright, we run on an extended day schedule where the students are in class from 7:50am-3:05pm. This allows us to save money within our disctict while still providing quality education to your child! There is an after school program at our school where students attend our local YMCA after school to better help parent's working schedule! For more information, please click here to access the YMCA website!


C C Wright, overall, is lower in with reading test scores at a 66.5% than the state (72.4%) and district (74.4%) but ranks on average with the state's overall scores in math at a 82.8% but lower than the district average of 84.7%. 57.1% of the students come from an economically disadvantaged home and 33.3% have limited English proficiency. There are also 35.1% students with disabilities at C C Wright Elementary School. There are a total of 32 teachers, all of which are fully licensed teachers two teachers are national board certified. 


The average class size for C C Wright is 20 for Kindergarten, 20 for first grade, 16 for second grade, 17 for third grade, 23 for fourth grade and 25 for fifth grade. My first grade class was smaller than the school average of 20 because I had only 17 students in my classroom. These numbers do change because our school gets students in and out on a regular basis due to the high amount of student enrolled that come from a home that is economically disadvantaged. 

Students here are so welcoming and accepting of others! My students are always welcoming me with a smile in the morning and are always excited and ready to learn!


Class Rules and Disciplinary Policy

There are three golden rules in my classroom. Those rules are:

  1. Do not save seats in the lunchroom. We are all a family!

  2. Do not make insulting gestures or comments to other classmates as this is disrespectful.

  3. Be sure to keep your hands and feet to yourself as to not harm one of your classmates!

If a student is to break on of these rules, I will be sure to have a one-on-one conversation with that student to see why they broke the rule and see if the conflict can be resolved. If the student breaks the rule again, they will have to go over to our tiger den and write why they broke that rule and how they plan to change their action. If it happens a third time, a note will be sent home to the parent. I love all of my students and I want to make sure that they are becoming the best person that they can become! Please feel free to contact me with any comments or concerns you have with my rules and disciplinary policy.

Parent Information

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